
The Leader’s Edge: The Power of Purposeful Communication

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The Leader’s Edge: The Power of Purposeful Communication


The Leader’s Edge

© 2010 by Rick Green. All rights reserved.

For additional copies of this book or for more information on other books, contact:

Patriot Academy

P.O. Box 586

Dripping Springs, TX 78620

(512) 515-3744


Cover design:

Ashley Franks

Printed in the United States of America




The Leader’s Edge!

The Power of Purposeful Communication

Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m going to go out on a limb here and make some guesses about you even though we may not have ever met. If you bought this program and immediately opened the book to start reading, I’m going to say you are probably kinesthetic, because you wanted to “get your hands on this book.” Or you may be visual and decided you wanted to glance through this book to look at the pictures (which there aren’t many), but more than likely if you’re visual, you probably popped in the first DVD so you could “see it all come to life” on the screen. If you are auditory, you probably wanted to listen to the audio CD first to “hear what I had to say.”

These are just a few examples of the exciting, interesting, and purposeful communication tools we will learn over the course of this program. The wonderful thing about these tools is that you can use them to communicate better with your spouse, friends, clients, business associates, candidates – virtually anyone!!

I can promise you that the more you put into this program, the more you will improve as a communicator.




When the group on video does a drill or activity, take time to do the activity yourself. If you are taking this course alone, then pretend there is an audience for each of your drills.

In the few hours of this program, we will cover what normally takes weeks of classroom instruction and personal study. I highly recommend that you pick out a few skills that most pique your interest and zero in on them and perfect them. Then come back and listen or watch the entire program again and pick out a new set of skills to perfect.

Just teaching the course on video reminded me of so many areas and skills upon which I personally need to review and improve, so even as the instructor, I plan to review these materials over and over again in the coming months and years. Continual improvement is something we should all strive for in our lives if we want to be the best that we can be in everything we do.

We have a lot to learn, so let’s get started.

Rick Green



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