
A Republic If You Can Keep It 2.0

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What an amazing story you are about to learn!

America truly has been blessed more than any other nation in history.

Americans have enjoyed an unprecedented level of freedom, prosperity, opportunity, and stability.

America has had only one Constitution since 1789. For Americans who are used to living in this kind of stability, this may not seem very impressive.

However, when you realize that throughout history, the average length of a nation’s constitution’s lifespan is only 17 years, you begin to get the sense that there is something special about this 230+ year-old American Constitution.

In fact, it has outlasted every other national written constitution in history.

America’s uniqueness doesn’t stop there. With only 4% of the world’s population, every year America produces more inventions, medical cures, and technological discoveries than the other 96% of the world combined.

In 1831, Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville traveled to the United States to discover what made America so different. After traveling across America for several months, he wrote of how the condition of America was the “exception” to the rule. This became known as American Exceptionalism, which is simply to say that America is not like other nations. She truly is extraordinary, meaning EXTRA-ordinary, or not ordinary, not the norm.

But why? If we are to study the American system of government, we must study what made this system so unique and produce such unique results.

What caused the United States of America to become the most free, most powerful, and most benevolent nation in the history of the world? In this course, you will learn the secrets to America’s founding formula, the way our government works, and your role as a citizen in this nation.

The following video will begin to address the issue of American Exceptionalism.


For a quick introduction to Nathan Macias, one of our instructors and writers for this course, watch the following video.

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