4. Private Facebook Group

Our private Facebook Group is a fantastic place to exchange ideas, share pics and videos of your classes, ask questions, and join the national conversation. Scroll down to see examples of the posts. Several of these examples are people sharing what their class did, others are questions, etc.

WARNING! There is a strong prohibition against any marketing to each other in the Constitution Coach networking, especially the Facebook group or the live classes we do. We ask that you do NOT offer Front Sight memberships, certificates, or anything else to anyone you meet through the Constitution Coach networking. This would violate our Coach agreement. Please understand one of the main reasons why… Patriot Academy raises much of our annual funding through the donations we receive from people we introduce to Front Sight. Even if you are well-intentioned in wanting to give someone a membership, it harms our fund-raising. We have plenty of memberships and certificates to give away if one of our coaches cannot afford to donate to Patriot Academy for the membership.

Only Constitution Coaches are allowed in the group. Here’s how you gain access:

  1. You will need to be logged into your Facebook.

  2. Click on this link to be taken to the Constitution Coach Closed Facebook Group Page.

  3. Enter the code FSCC2020.

  4. Your request to join will send a notice to our team and you should be granted access within 24 hours. If you do not receive access within 24 hours, send an email to [email protected].


MeWe Constitution Coaches Group – code: CA2021XQ62
Gab Constitution Coaches Group – password: freedomflame