3. Defender Road Trip Episodes

This page contains the episodes of the Constitutional Defender Road Trips! As these episodes are completed in post-production, they will be posted here and you will receive an email when new episodes are added. We have filmed 5 of the 6 episodes thus far and have 1 episode completely edited and posted below.

Road Trip Ep. 1 – Lives, Fortunes, & Sacred Honor

This 1st Road Trip takes the Constitutional Defenders into the Cradle of Liberty (Philadelphia’s Independence Hall) to relive the signing of the Declaration, as well as to Valley Forge.


Road Trip Ep. 2 – Revolution

Our 2nd Road Trip was to Colonial Williamsburg where we literally seemed to step back in time and observe life in and after the American Revolution, including hearing directly from Founders like James Madison. Though this episode is close to completion, but not quite ready, we have a short teaser below for your enjoyment.

(Full Episode coming soon – Target Release Date = March 30, 2020) 


Road Trip Ep. 3 – The Price of Freedom

Our 3rd Road Trip takes us inside The Alamo for a private, after-hours tour and dinner where learn the price of freedom and hear from modern-day sheepdog Stephen Willeford as he recounts that horrific, yet heroic day in Sutherland Springs. We also visit the origin of the “Come & Take IT” Flag and slogan, Gonzales, Texas where the Texas Revolution began and the home of the Immortal 32 who paid the ultimate price at the Alamo (Target Release Date = April 15, 2020). The Teaser spot for this episode will be ready soon. In the meantime, you can view highlights from Stephen Willeford’s time with us:


Road Trip Ep. 4 – The Shot Heard Round the World

Our 4th Road Trip is to Boston and Lexington where the American Revolution began. We witness the re-enactment of that historic morning of April 19, 1775, throw tea overboard in the Boston Harbor, and even join the last part of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.   

(Full Episode coming soon – Target Release Date = May 15, 2020) 


Road Trip Ep. 5 – The Heartbeat of the Republic

Our 5th Road Trip takes us to Arlington National Cemetery and Washington, D.C. From a solemn observation of the massive sacrifice for freedom, to a private after-hours behind the scenes tour of the U.S. Capitol Building and it’s incredible history, to hearing from leading Members of Congress, this 5th Road Trip is packed full of memorable moments.  

(Full Episode coming soon – Target Release Date = June 15, 2020) 


Road Trip Ep. 6 – 

(Target Release Date = July 15, 2020)