The Leader’s Edge

Bonus Materials

On this site, we have provided you with thousands of dollars of bonus training materials to increase and hone your knowledge, understanding, and hopefully wisdom in many areas concerning effective leadership, for the good of the culture, and the glory of God!

Please take full advantage of these top-shelf teachings and courses to help you to become a citizen of influence and impact! You might also want to refresh yourself with some of the fantastic preparatory viewing, listening and reading materials to truly cement some of the foundational principles taught at Patriot Academy…Enjoy the Journey!

-Rick Green

The Leader’s Edge

Digital DVD Series (Workbook Included)

Dear Patriots,

In the few hours of this program, we will cover what normally takes weeks of classroom instruction and personal study. I highly recommend that you pick out a few skills that most peak your interest and zero in on them and perfect them. Then come back and listen or watch the entire program again and pick out a new set of skills to perfect.

Just teaching the course on video reminded me of so many areas and skills that I personally need to review and improve upon. So even as the instructor, I plan to review these materials over and over again in the coming months and years. Continual improvement is something we should all strive for in our lives if we want to be the best that we can be in everything we do.

We have a lot to learn, so let’s get started.

-Rick Green

The Leader’s Edge Workbook


Click the link below to download the workbook. We encourage you to print this workbook, and use it as a study guide as you follow along with the exercises.


The Leader’s Edge: DVD #1

The Power of Purposeful Communication​

The Leader’s Edge: DVD #2

Mastering Your Message

The Leader’s Edge: DVD #3

The Power of Public Speaking