5. Zoom Online Hosting

Using Zoom as a Constitution Coach: Start-to-Finish

(by Coach Support Team Rep: Giulia Giampa)

Part One: Creating your Zoom or Online Sharing Link

Many of our Constitution Coaches have friends across the nation they would like to invite to a class or local friends who, due to current conditions, aren’t comfortable or able to attend classes in-person. Of the current options, for hosting classes online, Zoom continues to be our recommended platform.

Part Two: Starting and Hosting a Zoom/Online Sharing Class

Please view the tutorial videos above for a start-to-finish walkthrough of what it looks like to setup and input your Zoom/Online Sharing link, start your class, share your screen with audio & video optimized, stop your screen share, and how to end your Zoom/Online meeting!

Quick note on ‘hybrid’ classes: Some coaches offer ‘hybrid’ classes with a mix of people attending in-person while others join via Zoom at the same time. While this option does involve the need for a bit more technical savvy, it is doable, especially with a little practice… though you’ll definitely want to practice! Speaking of…

Important: We highly recommend connecting with a friend or fellow coach to do a ‘dry run’ test of your set-up prior to your first class. This will help you to be more comfortable and confident and ensure your system/settings are correct for sharing your audio and video. Need a Coach Mentor? Click here to request one!

New and Updated! Quick Start Guide to Hosting a Class on Zoom by RaShell Southerland

New Tutorial – How to Host Dual ‘In-Person + Zoom’ Classes!

If already a seasoned pro on Zoom, there is nothing particularly unusual with how we utilize the platform, but for those who are unfamiliar and/or if some additional refreshers would be helpful, you can check out more Zoom tutorials available by clicking here.

The segments you will want to be particularly familiar with are:

Note: There are many other Zoom tutorials available, but these are the ones you’ll need to be the most familiar with to effectively use Zoom as a Constitution Coach!

If you need some extra help using Zoom, please send an email to: [email protected] or look for an upcoming Coach Training Call focused on this topic (Schedule/Announcements for upcoming Training opportunities included in weekly Coach emails).

How to Use OBS.Ninja to Stream Videos: Free Alternative to Zoom

(by Constitution Coach: Cathleen Griffeth)