6. Coaches Corner Training Recordings

These are examples of some of our weekly Coaches Corner Zoom Call recordings – To see the most recent Coach Call Recordings & have access to even more classes to host, ask us about upgrading to Constitution Coach! Send an email to [email protected]. We look forward to serving you!

October 7, 2022 – Coach Testimonials!

Topics: Final recording concluding this five-week series – Don’t miss this dose of en-COURAGE-ment from your fellow coaches talking about Coach Conference, Constitution Day Presentations, Constitutional Defense Experience, and more, plus bonus Q&A with your Coach Team!


September 30, 2022 – Coaching 101: Con Def Experience w/Special Guests! 

Topics: Week four in five-week series covering the basics of being a Constitution Coach. This week covered one of the ‘Bells & Whistles’ of coaching with Patriot Academy – learning about and getting a ‘live look’ at the available Constitutional Defense training and opportunities to come! Rick Green joins as a special guest for some live Q&A – enjoy!

September 23, 2022 – Coaching 101: Hosting Successful Classes 

Topics: Week three in five-week series covering the basics of being a Constitution Coach. Everything you need to know to prepare for and host successful, dynamic classes including answering ‘What’s Next’ after the class? New ‘Find-A-Class’ filter option, Special Bookmark resource, and brief Q&A with your Coach Support Team!

September 16, 2022 – Coaching 101: Creating & Managing Classes 

Topics: Week two in five-week series covering the basics of being a Constitution Coach. Everything you need to know to confidently Create and Manage your classes! Detailed walk-thru on creating your registration page and managing your classes once created! New class options, new tools, and fun Q&A with your Coach Support Team as always!


September 9, 2022 – Coaching 101: Dashboard & Quickstart Guide 

Topics: Week one in new five-week series covering all the basics of being a Constitution Coach. Starts with a refresh on where to find the new Constitution Day materials, then take a quick tour of the Coach Dashboard with a scroll through of your downloadable Coaching ‘Quickstart Guide’, and finish with Q&A with your Coach Support Team – Enjoy!


September 2, 2022 – Special Presentation on the Brand New Constitution Day Presentation and Packet of Resources! View a walk-through class demonstration and sneak peek of materials launching this weekend!


August 12, 2022 – Bells & Whistles! Special Presentation on the Biblical Basis for Armed Self-Defense, Preview of Pending Constitution Day Resource, Recap of Coach Conference, New Tools & Resources, plus Q&A with your Coach Team!


June 24, 2022 – Special Focus – SCOTUS Decision + Coach Conference!



May 20, 2022 – Campfire Coach Essentials (Dashboard + Create/Manage Classes) 

Topics: Special Edition of Coaches Corner focused especially towards new Campfire Coaches and the American Campfire Revival course offering!


May 13, 2022 – Introducing ACR/Campfire Coaches 

Topics: Special Edition of Coaches Corner with Rick Green! Sharing about the new addition of American Campfire Revival and Campfire Coach initiatives, plus extended Q&A with Rick and the Coach Team!


March 11, 2022 – Special Focus: Patriot Academy Leadership Congress 

Topics: Special call featuring Jackson Allen, Lauren Zissos, Emma Jaax, and Mike Noriega sharing about their experience with Capitol Boot Camps, now known as Patriot Academy’s Leadership Congress – Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from these young people and think of others who need to experience these incredible annual events!