5. Private Social Media Groups

As a Campfire Coach, the private Coach Facebook Group and other Social Media Groups will serve you very well! They form an amazing community of fellow coaches excited to share coaching ideas, pics and videos of classes, ask and answer questions, and enjoy being your connection to this national movement! See examples of posts at the bottom of the page!

Facebook Coaches Group – code: CC2023XQ62

Alternate Social Groups: (Click to Visit Pages)

Link: MeWe Constitution Coaches Group – code: CC2023XQ62
Link: Telegram Coaches Group – code: none

How to Join the Coach Group on Facebook:

  1. You will need to be logged into your Facebook account.

  2. Click here to go to the Constitution Coach Facebook Page and ask to ‘Join’.

  3. Enter the FB Group code you received in your ‘Welcome’ email after signing up to become a Coach. (Code referenced above, if needed).

  4. Your request to join will notify our team and you should be granted access within 24 hours, if not sooner. If you do not receive access within 24 hours, please email [email protected] and include ‘Coach FB Group Access’ in the subject line.

  5. Quick request: The Facebook group and other groups are a wonderful place to share victories, ideas, and encouragement. If you have a technical issue or need help to resolve a problem, please email: coach@patriotacademy.com and we’ll work to resolve as quickly as possible.