6. Coaches Corner Recordings: Training & Archive

These are the most recent recordings from our Coaches Corner Zoom Calls – Watch your email on Wednesday’s for information on upcoming calls & training topics – We hope to see you on a call soon!

September 19, 2024 – New Dashboard Quick Links and VOTER GUIDES!

We showcase some fun new tools on Your Coach Dashboard Quick Links such as “Connect with other Coaches” and “Constitution Day Curriculum”. Now it’s EASY to find these tools! With the most important election in our Nation’s history looming we bring you Debbie Wuthnow of iVoterGuide! She walks us through the tools in their website to get YOUR specific voter guide and how to share with church and others. Have friends over to watch this with you or share in your next class! Let’s educate VOTERS!

September 19, 2024 – Dashboard Quick Links/iVoterGuide Follow Up Links:

Check out iVoterGuide’s website of tools: https://ivoterguide.com/

TO REQUEST A PDF OF iVoterGuide SLIDESHOW Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Register Now for the Exclusive Screening of “The 1916 Project” with Seth Gruber and Rick Green Wednesday, September 25th at 7:30 Central Time: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/9077

New Constitution Alive National Class with Moms for Liberty: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8939

Toni Shuppe’s New Constitution Alive Class Starting 9-26: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8741

Mid-America Coach Conference in Branson, MO 10-12: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/midam24/

Ken Ivory’s Utah Coach Conference 10-12: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8742

September 12, 2024 – Recaps of the Colorado Coach Conference and the Oklahoma Coach Training! The encouragement and enthusiasm is contagious!

You’ll want to grab some snacks and enjoy watching the recaps of the Colorado Coach Conference and the Oklahoma Coach Training! You’ll be encouraged with stories of how coaches coming together can be powerful and encouraging. Scarlett & Toni also show you how to host a Constitution Day class in our system. Enjoy!

September 12, 2024 – Colorado & Oklahoma Recaps Follow Ups:

Register now for our new National Class, Constitution Alive!, starting Monday, Sept. 16: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8939

Join us at the Campus for Constitution Day! http://tofinoauctions.com/

SAVE THE DATE: Patriot Academy screening of “The 1916 Project” on Wednesday, Sept 25th! (registration link coming soon)

Purchase the book “The 1916 Project” and write an Amazon review: https://the1916project.com/book/

The “1916 Project” Movie Screening Request Form: http://1916 Project Tour Request Form (monday.com)

Rick Green Keynote Speaker in Clovis, CA American Revival Event: https://revivalusa.net/

Toni Shuppe’s Constitution Alive Class Registration Link: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8741

Constitution Day Curriculum Tutorial!

Join our very own Scarlett Lani as she walks you through a complete tutorial of our Constitution Day Curriculum. Also note below the video is our follow up links. No excuses now–top notch training to take back education!

Constitution Day Curriculum Follow Up Links:

**You can choose “Constitution Day” in your drop down menu in CREATE A CLASS! Help us track how many presentations our coaches are hosting!**


Beginning to 21:28: Welcome, additional resources, where to find presentation, tech assistance.

21:28 – 27:31: Presenter’s Guide, Script for Calling Schools.

27:31 – End: Walking through the Powerpoint slide by slide.

Bookmarks for Giveaways: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/134

“The American Story, Building the Republic”: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/208

“What Would the Founders Think?”: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/50

“Pocket Principles”: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/8

September 5, 2024 – Seth Gruber explains “Enforced Coercive Toleration” and his new movie “The 1916 Project”!

Podcast host and author Seth Gruber keeps us captivated with his explanation of Marxism and it’s origins in the United States. Rick Green visits with Gruber as well on action steps and what prompted him to make this movie and write this book. You won’t want to miss the “1916 Movie Preview”!

September 5, 2024 – Seth Gruber “1916 Movie” Follow Up Links:

Join us at the Colorado Coach Conference Saturday Sept. 7, 2024 https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/colorado24/

Oklahoma Coach Training Saturday Sept. 7: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8635

White Rose Resistance: https://whiteroseinternational.com/

“The 1916 Project” book: https://the1916project.com/book/

Form to Request Church Access for showing “The 1916 Project” https://forms.monday.com/forms/88569b46eafff95108b594687e55f421?r=use1

Save the Date September 25, 2024 – We will have a “Coach Watch Party” to watch “The 1916 Project”.

August 29, 2024 – Introducing Tristan Ghazal/Constitution Day Curriculum Updates!

With the growth of Patriot Academy we are honored to introduce our National Ambassador, Tristan Ghazal! He will be an energizing addition to our Coach Team and PA as a whole. It’s that time of year again…Constitution Day! Our very own Scarlett Lani has worked tirelessly to update our Constitution Day Curriculum with fun new goodies about heronines of the Revolution, graphics, and mini-videos. She preveiws the material today but a full tutorial coming Tuesday!

August 29, 2024 – Tristan Ghazal/Constitution Day Curriculum Follow Up Links:

Register for Tuesday’s Constitution Day Curriculum Tutorial: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvc–pqjwoH91gla05WmoTWhPao1cNPIvB

Calling all California Folks! Register for the Revival USA Event on October 19, 2024: https://revivalusa.net/

Purchase Bookmarks to Give Away to Your Students: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/134

August 22, 2024 – Walk with Sarah McAbee through her J6 Nightmare!

We have a little Dashboard people skills training but the highlight of today’s call is Sarah McAbee taking us through what she and her husband, Colton McAbee, have been living since that fateful day, January 6, 2021. It will make your blood boil and your body want to run. Put it to good use…call your Congressman! This was a record-breaking call at 170 coaches!

August 22, 2024 – Sarah McAbee J6 Wife Follow Up Links:

Sarah McAbee’s Website: https://www.sarahmcabee.us/

Toni Shuppe’s Rumble Channel SHARABLE Interview with Sarah McAbee: https://rumble.com/v5c1ii4-wife-of-j6er-shares-her-story.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Toni’s Constitution Alive Class Starting Sept 26! Register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8741

Colorado Coach Conference September 7, 2024! Register here: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/colorado24/

Oklahoma Coach Training (Hardaways & Southerlands) September 7, 2024 – Special Guest, Sarah McAbee! Register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8635

Mid-American Coach Conference in Branson, Missouri Saturday, October 12, 2024! Register here: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/midam24/

August 15, 2024 – Dashboard & People Training/Congress Testimonials!

We get to enjoy some Dashboard training on how to connect with other coaches with Kolene Woodward. Toni Shuppe shares how personality traits affect communication and gives us books to reference; and, we won’t want you to miss Gabe Rosas  and Rick Grunewald as they share their MilVet & Coach Congress testimonies. Grab a snack and enjoy!

August 15, 2024 – Dashboard, Personality Training/Coach Congress Testimonial Follow Up Links:

Rick Green in California! Check out the details here: https://revivalusa.net/

Colorado Coach Conference in Colorado Springs Sept. 7, 2024. Register here: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/colorado24/

Toni’s Suggestion for a Personality Test: https://www.gotoquiz.com/personality_plus_6

Sarah McAbee (J6 Wife) at the Oklahoma Coach Training Sept. 7, 2024 in Newcastle, OK! Register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8635

Utah State Rep Ken Ivory’s “Just Say Know” Class. Register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8742

Patriot Academy Giving Catalog to help sponsor items at the Campus: https://www.patriotacademy.com/catalog/

August 8, 2024 – National Congress Recap/Voter Integrity with Patrick Colbeck!

The Coach Team is back at it with a packed call! See a slideshow of the week the Team spent in Texas at the National Leadership Congress. It was a powerful time of renewal, hope, and challenge. As we pray for our upcoming election we wonder where the voter integrity stands. Patrick Colbeck gives us a hopeful update and understanding of where we stand going into November 5, 2024. Sit back and enjoy!

August 8, 2024 – National Congress/Voter Integrity Follow Up Links:

TEXT ALERTS on your phone! Text “Coach Corner” to 512-866-8326.

Colorado Coach Conference September 7, 2024 register here: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/colorado24/

Patrick Colbeck Slide Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1j0w52bRUmYExe5zPND12yfQqdQWrLtjw/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100475239472557681727&rtpof=true&sd=true

Patrick Colbeck Website: https://letsfixstuff.org/

Volunteer to march with the “March for Kids” in Washington, DC on August 31, 2024: https://marchforkids.com/volunteer-form/

July 25, 2024 – Constitution Day Curriculum, Michigan Conference, & Toni’s “Truth in Love” Chat!

We hit things hard on our Coach Calls; truth is not for the faint at heart. Scarlett Lani shows us how to make a difference in local schools with updates to our Constitution Day Curriculum and shares the challenge to “step it up” to attend and/or promote a Coach Conference with additional recap of the Michigan Coach Conference. To bring it home Toni Shuppe shares what the Holy Spirit has laid on her heart about speaking truth in love to those with whom we disagree. It’s a powerful call you will feel inspired to enjoy with friends.

July 25, 2024 – Constitution Day Curriculum, Michigan Coach Conference, and “Speak Truth in Love” Follow Up Resources:

Register NOW for the Colorado Coach Conference September 7, 2024 in Colorado Springs: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/colorado24/

Purchase Bookmarks for your classes, events, and to pass out to everyone you know! https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/134

July 18, 2024 – “You Cannot Defend What You Cannot Define”/Michigan Coach Conference Follow Up!

This was the defining comment of the call today! Join us as Toni Shuppe gives us some “people training” and Scarlett Lani gives us an amazing slideshow and testimonial time from the Michigan Coach Conference last Saturday, July 13. She also gives us the “where were you” moment when she and Rick, together, learned of the attempted assassination of President Trump. You’ll be encouraged with this call.

July 11, 2024 – “You Cannot Defend What You Cannot Define”/Michigan Coach Conference Follow Up Links:

Rick’s Special THE TAVERN Ep. 41: “Trump’s Attempted Assassination”: https://www.patriotacademy.tv/pages/home/d/home

Calling California Coaches! Rick will be in “town” October 19, 2024! For more information contact Scarlett! [email protected].

Toni Shuppe’s Rumble Video: https://rumble.com/v572uxx-join-us-live-for-a-post-rally-gathering.html

July 11, 2024 – People Skills Training and Coach Mentor Team Jason & Devona Hardaway!

We all have difficult people in our lives. We all want to keep hosting classes but aren’t sure how to accomplish that. Toni Shuppe gives us resources to help us grow classes and deal with people! You can then be blessed by the testimony and encouragement of our featured Coach Mentor Team Jason & Devona Hardaway! They show how fun, easy, and special it is to center your marriage and life aroundGod and Founding Principles. Enjoy!

July 11, 2024 – People Skills Training/Mentor Team Hardaway Testimony Follow Up Links:

Toni Shuppe’s AMERICAN CAMPFIRE REVIVAL register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8469

Patriot Academy/COS National Biblical Citizenship Class registration link: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8530

Store Resources to help educate on Patriot Academy:

Impact Reports: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/102

Bookmarks: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/134

Toni Shuppe’s Book Club: “The Referral of a Lifetime” by Tim templeton; “Sill With People” by Les Giblin

Loran Baxter RNC Links: Minority petition: https://frc.quorum.us/campaign/64431/Flashpoint with David Barton (minute 40): https://flashpoint.govictory.com/episode/flashpoint-its-time-to-go-joe-july-8th-2024/

June 27, 2024 – “Saying YES to God” with Kim Hanson & Jason & RaShell Southerland!

Has God asked you to do something that took you out of your comfort zone? Did you finally say YES and feel His blessing and watch His plan? This is the call for you! Kim Hanson explains how a drastic accident changed her focus and her YES; only to result in the biggest blessings of her life. Jason & RaShell Southerland tell of their journey with saying YES to God and how He has blessed their lives and ministry. All it takes is a willing heart!

June 27, 2024 – “Saying YES to God” Follow Up Links:

Connect with other coaches through our Coach Connection: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/connect 

Register now for Toni Shuppe’s AMERICAN CAMPFIRE REVIVAL Class starting July 11, 2024 at 8 ET: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8469

Register now for the MICHIGAN Coach Conference: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/kalamazoo/

Meet Rick at “Celebrating our Indepdendence” in Chowchilla, CA! Saturday, June 29, 2024 5:30pm. 16478 Avenue 25; RSVP to 559-907-4241/[email protected]

Join the Patriot’s Hope Family (Southerlands): Link to join “Coach Zone” https://www.patriotshope.com/coach-login/

Save the dates: COLORADO: Saturday Sept. 7; MISSOURI: Saturday October 12.

June 20, 2024 – Teamwork & Encouragement with Staci Brock & Rick Green!

Teamwork! We help each other, encourage each other, and work together to successfully have events. If Covid taught us anything it’s that we need the fellowship of like-minded people to keep us going. Hear from Coach Mentor Staci Brock on how she stays close to Christ and teaches others that their Biblical Worldview will keep them grounded. Hear from Rick Green from the beach! He encourages all of us with a synopsis of Leadership Congress’ so far and reminds us what it means to give of our lives, fortunes, & sacred honor. Enjoy!

June 20, 2024 – Teamwork & Encouragement with Staci Brock & Rick Green Follow Up Links:

Rick Green in Chowchilla, CA June 29th at 5:30 pm. RSVP to Doug Thiel: [email protected], 559-907-4241.

Register NOW for the July 13, 2024 Michigan Coach Conference: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/kalamazoo/

Register for Toni’s AMERICAN CAMPFIRE REVIVAL Class Starting July 11, 2024: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8469

Digital Fliers/Social Media Images: [email protected]

June 13, 2024 – “Survival Skills” from the Coach Team/Encouragment from Mentors Craig Wills & Carol Hexum

What do you do to stay sane? Do you need some “survival skills” to help you navigate the chaos of being battle warriors in the war for our Republic? You won’t want to miss the Coach Team – Scarlett, Kolene, Ken Davis, & Toni share their secrets. You’ll also hear great encouragement from Coach Mentors Craig Wills & Carol Hexum. Carol shows great emotion at being a Naturalized Citizen and is overwhelmed with patriotism. Special pop-ins today from Rebecca Lavrenz (Praying J6 Gma) & Rick Green!

June 13, 2024 – “Survival Skills” and Encouragement with Mentors Craig Wills & Carol Hexum Follow Up Links:

Join Toni’s “American Campfire Revival” beginning on July 11, 2024. Register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8469

Join SCARLETT & RICK GREEN in Michigan July 13, 2024! Register here: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/kalamazoo/

Sign up for Rebecca Lavrenz Emails for a great does of encouragement! http://www.RestoringGodlyCulture.com

Craig Wills Resources: Pastor Sermon Apology Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zxXjuzpP-w&t=135s&ab_channel=CalvaryChapelofColumbia 

Craig’s Blog (Brushfires of Freedom): https://brushfiresoffreedom.org/

Apply NOW for Coach Congress: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/

June 6, 2024 – Be Encouraged! Meet Mentor Brian Rohlman!

Feel discouraged because your last class only had 3 people–or just 1? This is the call for you! Coach Mentor Brian Rohlman shares his journey with Patriot Academy and coaching and how he finds joy in living out “Duty is ours, results are Gods”.

June 6, 2024 – Mentor Brian Rohlman Follow Up Links:

Join us FRIDAY JUNE 7 in Bedford, Texas for Comedy & Constitution: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/candcbedford/

Join us SUNDAY JUNE 9 in Fredericksburg, Texas for Comedy & Constitution: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/candcfredericksburg/

Apply now for Coach Congress! https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/

Register for Toni Shuppe’s “American Campfire Revival” class starting July 11: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8469

Reclaim Michigan by attending the Michigan Coach Conference in Kalamazoo! https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/kalamazoo/

May 30, 2024 – Rick Green and “Tactical Civics” Rebuttal & All Things Patriot Academy

Join us for some terrific training and updates on what the summer holds for Patriot Academy! Rick Green has made a video tutorial on his rebuttal to “Tactical Civics”. We play that in this call. Also, Rick updates us on the Campus, Comedy & Constitution Tours, and what’s happening this summer with Patriot Academy! This is a fun, encouraging way to end the week!

May 30, 2024 – “Tactical Civics” Rebuttal/Rick Green and All Things Patriot Academy Follow Up Links:

Will you be one of the MAGNIFICENT 7 and join us at Coach Congress? Register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/

Rick’s Rebuttal to “Tactical Civics” video: https://vimeo.com/950928750

COMEDY & CONSTITUTION: Bedford: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/candcbedford/  Fredericksburg: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/candcfredericksburg/ 

Patriot Academy Campushttps://www.patriotacademy.com/campus/ Giving Catalog: https://www.patriotacademy.com/catalog/

Large Forefathers Monument Pre-Order ($299 + shipping): https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/188May 23, 2024 – Overcoming Adversity & Recap of the Mount Rushmore Coach Conference

May 23, 2024 – Overcoming Adversity & Recap of the Mount Rushmore Coach Conference Follow Up Links:

Receive Text Alert (one/week) by texting “Coach Corner” to 512-866-8328

Register for the National Biblical Citizenship Class with AJE: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8286

Time is running out! Apply now for Coach Congress: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/

Keep Up-To-Date on In Person Events: https://courses.patriotacademy.com/courses/pa-constitution-coach-training-library/lessons/4-in-person-training-events/

May 16, 2024 – Overcoming Adversity & “What Makes a SuperCoach”. Just the dose of encouragement you need!

May 16, 2024 – Overcoming Adversity and “SuperCoach” Follow Up Links:

Sign up for Text Alerts (1 text per week) at: Text “Coach Corner” to (512) 866-8328

Register for our National Biblical Citizenship class with AJE!: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8286

For a PDF of Ashley Alexander’s Questions/Answers to The American Legion Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

May 9, 2024 – Coach Dashboard Training, The Monument to the Forefathers, Just Say Know and More!

Join us as we diving into “all things coach”. Scarlett gives us a briefing on in person coach events coming up, Kolene gives us a Your Coach Dashboard refresher course, Toni shares her trip to the Monument to the Forefathers for a National Day of Prayer event, and Ken Ivory discusses how his “Just Say Know” curriculum will help us take back our Republic. It’s packed with goodies so buckle up!

May 9, 2024 – Dashboard, Monument, Just Say Know Follow Up Links:

Register for our new National Biblical Citizenship Class with partner American Journey Experience. Register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/8286

How to host a National Class Watch Party: This page February 22, 2024. This is for the LTAC but the same system works for a National Class Watch Party.

In Person Events: https://courses.patriotacademy.com/courses/pa-constitution-coach-training-library/lessons/4-in-person-training-events/

April 25, 2024 – “The Power of One” showcasing Sheryl Hall & Rob Sitarski

We hear testimonies from Sheryl Hall of California and Rob Sitarski of Michigan on how being a Constitution Coach got them involved in their communities including running for office! Taking their passion for truth and the Constitution God has used them mightily. This call shows how you can truly make a difference.

April 25, 2024 – Coach Testimonial Follow Up Links:

Get some “Duty is Ours, Results are God’s” swag from Patriot’s Hope: https://www.patriotshope.com/store/

Join us in Rapid City at 2 major events! Coach Conference: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/mrcoachconference/

Join us for a Special Event AT Mount Rushmore (free but please register):https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/rushmore/

April 18, 2024 – Leadership Congress & Alaska Coach Testimonials!

We hear from Eric Amos, Abigail Thomsen, Daniel Southerland & more who tell us the POWER of Leadership Congress. It’s “goosebump time” when we hear how these young people’s lives are transformed through the week they spend at Patriot Academy.  We also hear from Alaskan Coach Mentor Team member Loran Baxter and two of his students he passed the torch to who now host classes themselves. Loran’s  “thank you” to them??? A Founder’s Bible! You’ll get a heavy dose of encouragement with this call!

April 18, 2024 – Leadership Congress & Alaska Coach Testimonials Follow Up Links:

Send a young person 16-25 to Leadership Congress: https://www.patriotacademy.com/leadershipcongress/

Military Veterans Congress: https://www.patriotacademy.com/leadershipcongress/veterans-patriot-academy/

Coach Congress: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/

Send your 90-second video about your “Letter to the American Church” Watch party to: [email protected].

The FOUNDERS BIBLE: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/177

April 11, 2024 – J6 Praying Gma, Ohio Coach Conference, Colorado State Assembly, & More!

We touch base with Ken Davis on Rebecca Lavrenz, the “J6 Praying Gma” who may be jailed for praying in the Capitol, Toni Shuppe shows pictures and stories from the Ohio Coach Conference, and Ken Davis & Lori Goebel tell how Patriot Academy coaches are making big changes in the Colorado State Assembly. This is a powerful call you’ll want to watch!

April 11, 2024 – J6 Gma, OH Conf, & CO Assembly Follow Up Links:

To learn Rebecca Lavrenz story, encourage her, and help with her cause: https://restoringgodlyculture.com

LTAC Website for swag, screening requests, donations: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.com

Upcoming Mt. Rushmore Coach Conference May 5, 2024 registration link: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/mrcoachconference/

“The Tavern” on PatriotU: https://www.patriotacademy.tv/pages/home/d/home

April 4, 2024 – LTAC Watch Party Updates, ConDef Recap, Pastor Paul Blair, and Ken Ivory!  Loads of fun!

This call has something for everyone! Scarlett Lani updates us on the new guidelines for hosting a watch party for “Letter to the American Church.” Toni Shuppe gives us a ConDef Recap from last week’s Coaches Constitutional Defense class at the Campus. Pastor Paul Blair joins us to tell us about the upcoming Liberty Pastor’s Conference in Wisconsin, and Ken Ivory gives us a teaser on his upcoming program “Just Say Know” reminding us that “We the People” are the boss over the Government!

April 4, 2024 – LTAC Watch Party Updates, ConDef Recap, Pastor Paul Blair, and Ken Ivory Follow Up Links:

New Guidelines for a watch party for “Letter to the American Church”: First, you must pay for the level of subscription you want at https://www.givesendgo.com/LettertotheamericanchurchOnce they’ve seen your payment you can fill out a Request Form for your watch party at: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.com/

Swag, DVDS, etc for LTAC: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.myshopify.com

Liberty Pastors Wisconsin Event Info/Registration: https://libertypastors.ticketspice.com/liberty-pastors-training-camp-wisconsin

Ken Ivory’s Interview with COS (Note they begin discussing at 32:30): https://www.youtube.com/live/V2R3rLduSEs?si=PjagqfnZk6j8KsMv

March 21, 2024 – Rick Green on “other types of donations”, Rep. Ken Ivory on Spanish Biblical Citizenship Classes!

Want to donate to Patriot Academy but don’t have a lot of money? Rick Green showcases our new “Catalog/Donation Page“. You can choose an object to “sponsor” or can donate items needed that you may have! Utah State Rep. Rick also introduces our new page for active churches to put Patriot Academy on their missions support. Ken Ivory showcases his Spanish Biblical Citizenship classes and helps us understand the need for them with testmony from some Venezuelan students!

March 21, 2024 – Rick Green, Ken Ivory Follow Up Links:

Patriot Academy’s new page for active churches to support through their missionary funds: https://www.patriotacademy.com/churches-biblical-citizenship/

Patriot Academy’s new catalog page for donations: https://www.patriotacademy.com/catalog/

Contact Ken Ivory regarding a National Spanish Biblical Citizenship Class: [email protected]

Ohio Coach Conference April 6, 2024, information/registration: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/cantonoh/homepages/show

Mount Rushmore Coach Conference in Rapid City, SD May 5, 2024, information/registration: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/mrcoachconference/

March 14, 2024 – Mama Bear Erin Lee, Fmr CO State Senator Kevin Lundberg on their film “Art Club”.

Toni Shuppe encourages new attendees and Jason Hardaway explains the impact of his LTAC watch parties. We then move to a sobering and serious call where we come face-to-face with evil and grooming in our public schools. Mama Bear Erin Lee found herself and her family deep into this abyss and when Senator Lundberg heard about it he knew a film needed to be made. They tell the true story of the Lee family and give action steps to stop this in your community. Yes, it’s in your community.

March 14, 2024 “Art Club” Follow Up Links:

Register and enjoy our National Biblical Citizenship Class; Monday nights at 7 CT: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/7979

“Letter to the American Church” Info: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.com

“Art Club” Movie: http://artclubmovie.com.

Canton, Ohio Coach Conference Registration: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/cantonoh/homepages/show

Mount Rushmore Coach Conference in Rapid City, SD Registration: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/mrcoachconference/

March 7, 2024 – Pennsylvania State Rep & Pastor’s Wife Stephanie Borowicz Shares Her Passion!

Have you wondered why God calls you to “out of the box” things? Do you feel like you aren’t a “traditional” person? This call is for you! Pennsylvania State Rep & Pastor’s Wife Stephanie Borowicz shares her journey and how she now embraces her calling! Stephanie reminds us that PRAYER is where victory lies!

March 7, 2024 – Pennsylvania State Rep Call Follow Up Links:

If you have questions for Rep. Stephanie Borowicz please email Toni Shuppe at [email protected].

Biblical Citizenship National Class starting Monday, March 11, 2024. Register here: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/7979

Watch Party Tutorial for the National Class: Scroll down ON THIS PAGE to Sept 7, 5:37 to watch the tutorial on how to host a watch party for the National Class.

Register your Watch Party for “Letter to the American Church” on our “Create Classes” Page! Here is that link: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/classesyou’ll want to select “Special Event”.

February 29, 2024 – Producer Simone Alex shares with us the power of the Watch Party!

Once again, Toni Shuppe highlights new coach engagement and watch party success stories of Carol Hexum and RaShell Southerland. She also gives us a glimpse of The Tavern with Eric Metaxas! Producer Simone Alex then shares her story of the production of Letter to the American Church, many God sightings, and the power of the Watch Party!

February 29, 2024 – Producer Simone Alex Follow Up Links:

To find out more about “Letter to the American Church”, watch parties, media kits, swag, dvds, visit: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.com/ Swag specific link: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.myshopify.com/

LTAC Media Kit – FLIERS, POSTERS, ETC: https://app.frame.io/reviews/df3fa731-8bdc-4f0e-b994-c901c4152603/eadd1881-540d-4bbd-b21c-777ec0fc2608

Questions for LTAC Producers Simone Alex & Rachel Tash, please email Scarlett Lani at [email protected].

National Biblical Citizenship Class Starting March 11, 2024 at 7 CT with Rick Green and Tim Throckmorton! Register now: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/7979

WATCH PARTY FOR NAT’L CLASS HELP!: Scroll down (on this page) to the SEPT 7, 2023 Coach Corner Call Recording. TUTORIAL STARTS AT 5:39. 

Be “in the know” with Text Alerts from Patriot Academy! Text Coach Corner to 512-866-8328.

February 22, 2024 – New Coach Encouragement and Joel Kirkpatrick on “Being a David”.

Toni Shuppe starts us off with some New Coach/First Timers to Coach Corner Call encouragement and a good dose of PatriotU and Constitutional Defense! Scarlett Lani gives us backstory on her, Kirk Cameron, and Joel Kirkpatrick righteously protesting in 2020 and how God used them mightily. Joel Kirkpatrick then encourages us that our “training for battle” doesn’t always look like the “battle” and explains the way God used him in creating The Conejo Guardian. Sit back and be encouraged!

February 22, 2024 – Joel Kirkpatrick and “The Conejo Guardian” & Watch Party Follow Up Links:

Look up “The Conejo Guardian” here: https://www.conejoguardian.org/.

Southerland’s “Letter to the American Church” Watch Party TONIGHT (2-22): https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/7886

Staci Brock’s “Letter to the American Church” Watch Party for Tuesday, 2-27: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/7901

Apply to be in the “Inaugural Campus Coach Congress”: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/.

February 15, 2024 – The Coach Community and Watch Parties for “Letter to the American Church”

Getting together with other coaches is key to the fellowship we all need to stand strong in this difficult time. Ken Davis shows us how Lance Wallnau answers the “Christian Nationalist” question. Toni Shuppe shows us the “Campaign Coach” program and how it can help you in your run for office or your support of those who run for office. RaShell Southerland explains how to create a Watch Party for “Letter to the American Church” on Zoom, and Carol Hexum explains an in-person Watch Party. Enjoy!

February 15, 2024 – Community/Watch Parties Follow Up Links:

Campaign Coach Program: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/68

Flashpoint Live Lance Wallnau on Christian Nationalism (Timestamp 2:37 & 2:51): https://flashpoint.govictory.com/episode/flashpoint-february-8th-2024/

Rick Green interviews Eric Metaxas on “The Tavern”: https://www.patriotacademy.tv/pages/home/d/home

“Letter to the American Church” website; links to watch the film, list of showing location, and Screen Request Form for Churches to watch free: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.com/

Patriot’s Hope (Coach Zone on the top right): https://www.patriotshope.com/

Church Press Kit for promoting film showings: https://f.io/uOiOZwBW

February 8, 2024 – The Producers of “Letter to the American Church” join the Coach Team

The American Church is behaving much like the church in Nazi Germany. Today we learn how to STOP this trend before it’s too late.  Rachel Tash and Simone Alex have produced a movie based on Eric Metaxas’ book “Letter to the American Church”. Enjoy their journey and story. Reagan Green also gives us a tutorial on PatriotU, our new streaming service. Another home run Call!

February 8, 2024 – “Letter to the American Church” and PatriotU Follow Up Links: Please share these with everyone you know!! Remember to make saving our Republic your hobby!

PatriotU Technical Help: [email protected].

Free Movie Access for Churches (Scroll to the bottom of the page for pastor or church staff to fill out screening form): https://lettertotheamericanchurch.com/

Church Press Kit for promoting film Showings: https://f.io/uOiOZwBW

Places Movie is Playing: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.com/

“Letter to the American Church” books, bundles, pre-order DVDs: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.myshopify.com/

Exclusive One-Month Free Access on Epoch Times TV launching today, February 8, 2024: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/letter-to-the-american-church-5569329

Watch & Share the Movie Trailer: https://lettertotheamericanchurch.com/

February 1, 2024 – Actor, J6 Defendant Siaka Massaquoi joins the Coach Crew

What really happened on January 6, 2021? Do we have a Gulag and weaponized justice system? Can someone come to Christ through Biblical Citizenship? All of these questions and more are answered on today’s Coach Corner Call with Siaka Massaquoi! His testimony is spellbinding! Toni Shuppe also helps us  with Constitutional Minutes on PatriotU. Grab a snack and enjoy!

February 1, 2024 – Siaka Massaquoi Follow-Up Links:

Sign Up for Text Alerts: Text “Coach Corner” to 512-866-8328

Help us get the Matching $200,000 Grant to finish the 2 buildings on the Campus: https://www.patriotacademy.com/donate Select “Patriot Academy Campus” in the dropdown menu.

Help Siaka Massaquoi with his legal defense expenses: https://www.givesendgo.com/siaka

January 25, 2024 – Executive Director Nathan Macias, Scarlett, Toni & Kolene

Join us for “All things Coach Congress” as Executive Director Nathan Macias joins us to answer all of our questions and encourages us to all come to Coach Congress! Toni Shuppe also highlights and congratulates coaches watching “The Tavern” and gets some fun discussion going on our favorite Tavern guests. Lots of fun interaction with the coach family on this call!

January 25, 2024 – Executive Director Nathan Macias Follow Up Links:

Apply to Coach Congress! Early Bird Rate ends Jan. 31!: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/

Sign up for Text Alerts! Stay in the “know”: Text “Coach Corner” to 1-512-866-8328

Find our where our in person events are happening! Go to: https://courses.patriotacademy.com/courses/pa-constitution-coach-training-library/lessons/4-in-person-training-events/

January 18, 2024 – Pastor ROB MCCOY & the Coach Crew

This call is going to be one you watch over and over! Pastor Rob McCoy gives us inspiration, leadership, and encouragement for the war we are fighting. He reminds us that we were born for such a time as this and to embrace it – not whine about it! You’ll want to invite your friends and neighbors over for this dose of encouragement! Toni Shuppe also gives us a peek into our new “Congratulations” coach spotlight coming in future calls.

January 18, 2024 – Pastor Rob McCoy Follow Up Links:

Early Bird Rate for Coach Congress until January 31! Apply now: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/

Sign up for Text Alerts in the Coach Program! Text “Coach Corner” to 1-512-866-8328

Check out the trailer to “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing” (a documentary about Communism): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0shxGpjsopo

January 11, 2024 – Make Saving the Republic Your Hobby with Toni, Ken & Coach Crew

As we kick off 2024 the Coach Team has a new project in the works! Before finalizing details we’ve come up with a motto for the Coach Family for 2024–Make Saving the Republic Your Hobby! Led by Toni Shuppe and her co-pilot Ken Davis we hear how to make 2024 count as we need to leave it all on the table!

January 11, 2024 – Make Saving the Republic Your Hobby Follow Ups:

Apply to Coach Congress! July 30 – Aug 3, 2024: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach-congress/

Sign Up for PatriotU (Including THE TAVERN): https://www.patriotacademy.tv/pages/home/d/home

Enjoy THE FOUNDERS BIBLE Daily Reading: https://www.patriotacademy.com/dailyreading/

December 21, 2023 – Hot Cocoa & Patriot Brew with RICK GREEN & The Coach Crew

Merry Christmas from us to you! Grab your cocoa or Patriot Brew as you enjoy Rick Green joining us for most of the call with his review of 2023 and vision for 2024. His encouragement will inspire you! The Coach Team gives their 2023 highlights and their hopes for 2024 as well. Scarlett Lani raffles off Class in a Box–Congrats to Katie West! It’s the best Christmas Party of the Season!

December 21, 2023 – Hot Cocoa & Patriot Brew with RICK GREEN & the Coach Crew Follow Up Links: 

NOTES: Starting in 2024 Coach Corner Calls will be open to ALL COACHES! We will be braking over the Holidays–be watching your emails for our first Coach Call of 2024!

Become a 1776-76er! https://www.patriotacademy.com/donate Be sure to post your picture on the Constitution Coach Facebook page.


Patriot Academy Christmas Ornament: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/191

Kryptek Camo Cap: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/95

Patriot Boot Camp: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/165

Dinesh D’Souza film “Police State” link: https://www.policestatefilm.net

Join PatriotU (streaming service): https://www.patriotacademy.tv/pages/home/d/home

Founders Bible Reading Plan: https://www.patriotacademy.com/dailyreading/

December 14, 2023 – VIP Coach Call with Scarlett, Toni, Kolene, Reagan Green & Ken Ivory

Reagan Green joins us to promote Patriot Academy’s new streaming service, PatriotU. He shows how to create an account and access all of the materials. Ken Ivory joins us to encourage us with “Just Say Know 2.0”. He shows us how to develop relationships with our state representatives and local officials to effect change and take back our country! It’s a “how to” you’ll want to watch and re-watch.

December 14, 2023 – VIP Coach Call Follow Up Links:

Access Patriot Academy’s new streaming service, PatriotU: https://www.patriotacademy.tv/pages/home/d/home

Support Patriot Academy by becoming a 1776-76er and donating $17.76/monthly: https://www.patriotacademy.com/donate

2024 Coach Congress applications are now open! Apply NOW! https://www.patriotacademy.com/2023-coach-congress/

Ken Ivory’s book “Where’s the Line-How States Protect the Constitution”: https://www.amazon.com/Wheres-Line-States-Protect-Constitution/dp/0985583304

Ken Ivory’s Slideshow Presentation: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2or7qkcxjc5cbcb91cdbf/Just-Say-KNOW-…-YOU-are-the-A[…]erica-BAI-Version-5.pptx?rlkey=8ot1g6pofn5q6g06o4xhgrscs&dl=0

“The Shift” Movie Redemption Codes: Coach Lori is “paying this forward”: https://www.angel.comChoose your theater and enter your code(s) during checkout. SHIFT1785J/SHIFTWK8XK.

December 7, 2023 (Pearl Harbor Day) – VIP Coach Call with Scarlett, Rick, Toni, Kolene & Dran Reese

Rick joins us for a full 30 minutes to discuss the latest debates, cultural climate, and the importance of the 2024 election! Dran Reese of The Salt & Light Council joins us to discuss ACTION steps for getting the Biblical Worldview back into churches and society. It’s a packed call you won’t want to miss!

December 7, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Follow Up Links:

Join Dran Reese and The Salt & Light Council in bringing back a Biblical Worldview: https://www.saltandlightcouncil.org

Join the 1776-76er Program ($17.76/monthly)https://www.patriotacademy.com/donate

Register for Constitutional Defense Training (Including Training with the Coach Team March 25-28): https://www.patriotacademy.com/constitutional-defense-course/

Apply NOW for Coach Congress July 30 – Aug 3, 2024: https://www.patriotacademy.com/2023-coach-congress/


November 30, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Team, Dir. of Firearms Training, Aaron Marshall)

Let’s get fired up for some firearms training! Patriot Academy’s own Director of Training, Aaron Marshall, joins us to give us a tour of the gun ranges at the Campus and a run down of the agenda for the firearms course at Constitutional Defense! We also hear about Coach Conferences: Kolene-Missouri; Howell Shaw-Las Vegas; and Toni Shuppe-Pennsylvania. You won’t want to miss this Call!

November 30, 2023 – Coach Corner Call Follow Up Links:

Join the 1776-76er Program ($17.76/monthly): https://www.patriotacademy.com/donate

Register for Constitutional Defense (Including Training with the Coach Team March 25-28, 2024): https://www.patriotacademy.com/constitutional-defense-course/

New Coach Onboarding Training Zoom Monday December 4 from 7:00-9:00 Central, register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIscuGspjMrE9OMJ9ZZ5E4QElwXVfBzBBuV

Apply NOW for Coach Congress July 30-August 3, 2024: https://www.patriotacademy.com/2023-coach-congress/

Support the Patriot Academy Campus with a donation to Toni Shoppe’s “Election Brick”: https://form.jotform.com/tshuppe/trumpwon2020

November 9, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Team, Rep. Ken Ivory)

Ready for Part II? Utah State Rep. Ken Ivory takes us through Part II of his presentation to take back the Nation “Just Say Know”. He is making this slideshow available for anyone to present to their sphere of influence. So pick up this torch and run with it!

November 9, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call Follow Up Links:

Ken Ivory’s “Just Say Know” Slideshow Presentation: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2or7qkcxjc5cbcb91cdbf/Just-Say-KNOW-…-YOU-are-the-A[…]erica-BAI-Version-5.pptx?rlkey=8ot1g6pofn5q6g06o4xhgrscs&dl=0

Ken Ivory’s book “Where’s The Line-How States Protect the Constitution“: https://www.amazon.com/Wheres-Line-States-Protect-Constitution/dp/0985583304

Become a “1776-76er” and help keep Patriot Academy moving forward: https://www.patriotacademy.com/donate

Northeast Coach Conference Saturday Nov. 18; taking back the original 13 Colonies: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/neconference/

November 2, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Team, Rep. Ken Ivory)

Live from the WallBuilders Pro-Life Legislators Conference Utah State Rep. Ken Ivory takes us through the first half of his presentation to take the Nation back one county at a time. He has taken this to all of his Utah Counties with great engagement and wants to share it with the Coach Family to continue passing the torch. This will make you want to get the word out!

November 2, 2023 – VIP Coach Call Follow Up Links:

Ken Ivory’s “Just say Know” Slideshow: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2or7qkcxjc5cbcb91cdbf/Just-Say-KNOW-…-YOU-are-the-A[…]erica-BAI-Version-5.pptx?rlkey=8ot1g6pofn5q6g06o4xhgrscs&dl=0

Las Vegas Coach Conference Saturday November 11; Veteran’s Day & Mayflower Compact Day: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/lvcoachconference/

Northeast Coach Conference Saturday November 18; taking back the Original 13 Colonies: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/neconference/ 

October 26, 2023 – Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Team, Coaches Involved in Campaigns/Office)

Want to know how to apply all of this amazing knowledge you’re learning being a Constitution Coach? Have we got the call for you! Meet and hear from Coaches just like you who are either running for office or holding office! We’ve got Vicki Porter (NM School Board),  Sam Mortenson (Indiana State Rep), Chris King (Arizona School Board), Steve Boyd (Minnesota Congress), Truman Mast (Michigan City Council), Jackie Labarbera (California School Board). Listen to their testimonies, challenges, and triumphs, it will inspire you!

October 25, 2023 – Coach Corner Call Follow Up Links:

Steve Boyd: https://boydforhouse.com

Sam Mortinson: https://freedomfather.org

Jackie LaBarbera: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085687456343&mibextid=ZbWKwL

LOH Church Biblical Citizenship with Rick Green LIVE Saturday October 28: https://brushfire.com/lordofhostschurch/biblicalcitizenship-express/561264

Show Me State Coach Conference Saturday November 4: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6976

Las Vegas Coach Conference (Honoring Veterans Day & Mayflower Compact Day) Saturday November 11: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/lvcoachconference/

Northeast Coach Conference (Saving the Original 13 Colonies) Saturday November 18: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/neconference/

Support The Jenney Museum: https://www.patriotacademy.com/donate At the drop down choose: MONUMENT MUSEUM THE JENNY. Sharable video link: https://vimeo.com/870470183?share=copy

October 19, 2023 – Coach Corner “Open to All” Call (Scarlett, Team and Leo & Nancy Martin)

What an inspirational call today where Leo & Nancy Martin of the Jenney Museum in Plymouth (experts on Forefathers Monument) shared their story and give us a blueprint for not only reclaiming our culture but enjoying our lives in the midst of trials. Rick popped in for a quick word of encouragement and the Team gave updates on upcoming events and opportunities. You will want to grab some popcorn and enjoy!

October 19, 2023 – Coach Corner “Open to All” Call Follow Up Links: These are links to upcoming events and information about supporting the Jenney Museum and Leo Martin’s book.

The video you’ve all been wanting to share with the world; Kirk Cameron and Rick Green asking for support for The Jenney! Here’s the sharable link: https://vimeo.com/870470183?share=copy

DONATE TO THE JENNEY MUSEUM: https://www.patriotacademy.com/donate in the dropdown menu choose “Monument Museum-The Jenney”.

Show Me State Conference Saturday, November 4: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6976

Las Vegas Coach Conference featuring AJE Saturday, November 11 (Veterans and Mayflower Compact Day): https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/lvcoachconference/

Northeast Regional Coach Conference Saturday, November 18 (Reclaim the Original 13 Colonies): https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/neconference/ 

Leo & Nancy Martin’s Museum: http://thejenney.org

Leo Martin’s Book “Pilgrim Pursuit of Happiness”: https://shop.thejenney.org/product/Pilgrimpursuitofhappiness/4?cp=true&sa=true&sbp=false&q=false

October 12, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Team & American Journey Experience)

First, as you will notice, we humbly apologize that the beginning segment of announcements and AJE was not recorded. We ask your understanding for our human error! That said, what you will see is simply electrifying with Elijah O’Neal and Mike Noriega of the American Journey Experience! These two young men are living proof that we ARE making a difference and passing the torch of freedom to the next generation. Be encouraged!! We also preview next week’s guests, Leo & Nancy Martin of the Jenney Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts. You’ll want to watch this one more than once!

October 12, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Follow Up Links: These are links to The American Journey Experience and how to book them as well as to upcoming in-person events where you can connect with fellow coaches! For booking information for AJE please email [email protected].

Learn more about the American Journey Experience (AJE): https://americanjourneyexperience.com/ 

AJE Summer Institute: https://americanjourneyexperience.com/summer-institute/

Next Week’s Guest from the Jenney Museum in Plymouth, MA: https://thejenney.org/

The “Show Me State” Coach Conference, Saturday Nov. 4https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6976

Las Vegas Coach Conference featuring AJE, Saturday Nov. 11 (Mayflower Compact Day/Veterans Day) https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/lvcoachconference/

Northeast Coach Conference (Taking back the Original 13 Colonies): https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/neconference/

October 5, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Team & Pastor Paul Blair)

We continue our streak of heavy hitters in the battle for our Nation! This week’s call is devoted to Pastor Paul Blair of Liberty Pastors! His message was so powerful that Satan attacked hard with tech issues. While we don’t have his slideshow we do have his voice–and it’s amazing! The Team catches you up on upcoming events as well. It’s another home run!

October 5, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Follow up Links: These links are to the Liberty Pastor’s website and the in-person events coming up where you can connect with fellow coaches and be encouraged!

Pastor Paul Blair and Liberty Pastors:  https://libertypastors.fairviewbaptistedmond.org/

Salt Lake City Coach Training/Rick Green Speaking: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/7171

“Show Me State” Conference in Missouri! Saturday, November 4, 2023: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6976

Vegas Coach Conference Saturday, November 11, 2023 (Mayflower Compact Day): https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/lvcoachconference/

Northeast Conference Saturday, November 18, 2023: Save the Original 13 Colonieshttps://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/neconference/

September 28, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Team & Jason Yates)

The Team has done it again! This week Coach Stan Hughes of Arizona shares about his work with SAR and his Constitution Day presentations at a local school. Kolene does a mini-tutorial on our new streaming service-PatriotUJason Yates of My Faith Votes shares his story and helps us with how to get connected and help Christians VOTE! If you would like Jason Yates’ powerpoint slides please email [email protected].

September 28, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Follow-up/Links: These are the links mentioned in the call today for you to DO YOUR DUTY and leave the results to GOD!

Patriot Academy’s new streaming service – PatriotU: https://www.patriotacademy.tv

Salt Lake City Event October 7: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/7171

Las Vegas Event November 11: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/lvcoachconference/

Toni Shuppe’s East Coast Event November 18: https://patriotacademy.tofinoauctions.com/neconference/

My Faith Votes Website: https://www.myfaithvotes.org

To see if you’re registered to vote: Text VOTE to 50457

September 21, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Team & Pastor Tim)

This week is packed with goodies! Kolene shares slides and commentary on the Nebraska Coach Conference, we celebrate with Team Southerland on 3,000 students through their classes, and we are joined by Pastor Tim Throckmorton Director of Community Impact Team/Family Research Council. He shares their vision and how YOU can be a part of it. You won’t want to miss!

September 21, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Follow up/Links: These are all of the links that Pastor Tim spoke about today to help you get connected!

Family Research Council Main Website: https://www.frc.org

The Washington Stand: https://washingtonstand.com

The Washington Watch Program with Tony Perkins: https://www.tonyperkins.com

The “Stand Firm” app can be found at the App Store

The Center for Biblical Worldview: https://frc.org/worldview

Book, “He Created Them”: https://hecreatedthem.org

School Board Boot Camp: https://frcaction.org/get.cfm?i=WX21G03

Candidate Training: https://candidates.frcaction.org

On the Community Impact Site/Educational Resources/School Board Resources: https://www.frc.org/education

September 7, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Ashley, Ken, Rick)

This week we are joined by Ashley Alexander, Director of Development for Patriot Academy. She shows us the way Patriot Academy is financed, how you can help, and how your help furthers our mission. Our Coach Program is a HUGE factor in helping not only build the Patriot Academy Campus but to continue reaching people with TRUTH! We also have new promotional tools for your classes! ALSO, Scarlett shows us how to host a WATCH PARTY with the National Class and Craig Wills shares his slideshow on his class and his pastor’s TRANSFORMATION/apology to his congregation. (sermon down in follow up links).

September 7, 2023 – Coach Corner Follow Up Items & Links:

EASTERN NEBRASKA COACH CONFERENCE on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at the Bremer Community Center in Aurora, Nebraska. We will have a little Coach Training, a VIP event for qualified ticket holders, meal and RICK GREEN as our Keynote speaker! You won’t want to miss this encouraging event! https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/171

CONSTITUTION DAY COMEDY CONSTITUTION & REVIVAL in Fredericksburg, Texas! Join your Patriot Academy family for some serious fun at the Arch Ray Resort including special guests Kirk Cameron, the Barton’s, and many more! Get your tickets and join us! https://www.patriotacademy.com/sept17

EASTERN WYOMING COACH TRAINING on Saturday September 23, 2023 in Cheyenne! Join Kolene Woodward and some super coaches from Northern Colorado for 4 hours of dynamic training from 10-2 (lunch included). https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6175

NATIONAL BIBLICAL CITIZENSHIP CLASS starting Monday, September 25 from 7-9 Central Time! Join Patriot Academy and iVoterGuide for 8 weeks of education, trivia, fun, and more! Register and join us: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6956

LIBERTY PASTORS EVENT: Liberty Pastors is having pastor training camps to help make a new Black Robed Regiment! Check that out at: https://libertypastors.fairviewbaptistedmond.org/

EAST COAST COACH CONFERENCE with Toni Shuppe on November 18, 2023! She’s going to rock it with great speakers including keynote RICK GREEN! To pre-register go to: https://form.jotform.com/232310197852151

VIDEO OF PASTOR APOLOGIZING TO HIS CONGREGATION (sermon starts at 37:50): http://America Is God’s Country – Topical Sermon

August 31, 2023 – VIP Coach Corner Call (Scarlett, Toni, Ken, Kolene & Rick)

We’re joined by Rick and his crew at Liberty University for the Liberty Pastor’s Conference. They’re on fire for recruiting a new “Black Robed Regiment” in our fight for our Nation! Our featured speaker is Carol Hexum, a Naturalized Citizen from Otter Tale, MN that brought down the house hosting Rick last winter. You won’t want to miss!

August 31, 2023 – Coach Corner Follow Up Items and Links:

NORTH DAKOTA INSPIRATIONAL WEEKEND! Rick will be in North Dakota joining Karen Hanson at Saturday, September 9 and Sunday September 10. It’s worth a few hours of travel for sure! For information/tickets contact Karen Hanson at [email protected].

EASTERN NEBRASKA COACH CONFERENCE on Wednesday, September 13 at the Bremer Community Center in Aurora, NE. We will have a little Coach Training, a meal and Rick is our keynote speaker! You won’t want to miss this encouraging event! https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/171

COMEDY & CONSTITUTION/REVIVAL NIGHT: Celebrate Constitution Day in Fredericksburg, Texas with the Patriot Academy family at the Arch Ray Resort! Special guests will be Kirk Cameron, Brad Stine, and a host of other fun Patriots! Get your tickets and come join us! https://www.patriotacademy.com/sept17/

EASTERN WYOMING COACH TRAINING: Join Coach Support Ambassador Kolene Woodward in Cheyenne, WY for 4 hours of intense yet fun coach training! It’s 10-2 with lunch provided! https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6175 

NEW NATIONAL CLASS STARTING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25! Join Patriot Academy and iVoterGuide as we host Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. This eight weeks will be inspiring and educational, you won’t want to miss! Register now! https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6956

August 26, 2023 – New Coach Onboarding Call (Scarlett, Toni & Kolene)

We will take you start to finish on how to host classes, master your Coach Dashboard, make your own marketing materials and more! It’s a great refresher for more seasoned coaches and a MUST for new coaches!

August 24, 2023 – Coaches Corner Call (Scarlett Lani, Rick & Coach Team)

We show you what a LIVE COACH CONFERENCE experience is like! With slides and testimonials from Scarlett, John, and Rick we help you experience the MICHIGAN Coach Conference that took place just a few short weeks ago. Complete with a Comedy & Constitution evening it was fun and educational!  We also hear from Rick on his thoughts about the GOP Presidential Debate and other current events. Watch and enjoy!

August 24, 2023 – Coaches Corner Call Follow Ups and Links:

NEW COACH ONBOARDING SATURDAY AUGUST 26, 2023 from 11-1 Central Time. Whether you are a brand new coach or need a refresher this will be a fun time of learning and fellowship!https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pceuvrzIsEtcYmA87_QvfXphMnO9z1HXC?inf_contact_key=142ad6d006e9a4d58d7b1cd86477aa4c680f8914173f9191b1c0223e68310bb1#/registration  

EASTERN NEBRASKA COACH CONFERENCE Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at the Bremer Community Center in Aurora, Nebraska. RICK GREEN is our speaker! Register at: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/6432

CONSTITUTION DAY FUNDRAISER IN FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS! You won’t want to miss this amazing event filled with special guests like Kirk Cameron at the Arch Ray Resort! Register now to attend! http://PatriotAcademy.com/Sept17 

 August 17, 2023 – Coaches Corner Call (Scarlett Lani, Coach Team & Rick)

Full of fun announcements about a North Dakota in-person Rick Green event, some video from Toni at the Mike Lindell event (LIVE), Constitution Day at the Campus, and a full tutorial on the Constitution Day Curriculum this is a must watch video!

August 17, 2023 – Follow-up Links & Resources:

CONSTITUTION DAY FUNDRAISER: Join us on CONSTITUTION DAY (September 17, 2023) in Fredericksburg, Texas for some entertainment and fellowship with Patriots! Tickets are $10! https://www.patriotacademy.com/sept17/

Quick Start Training for New Coaches: August 26, 2023 11:00 – 1:00 Central Time. We will be doing a full tutorial on Dashboard basics, hosting class tips and more! Whether you’re a brand new coach or just need a refresher this one’s for you! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pceuvrzIsEtcYmA87_QvfXphMnO9z1HXC?inf_contact_key=9441548ee1ea2dbc2ef4e64c804342da680f8914173f9191b1c0223e68310bb1#/registration

North Dakota Rick Green Weekend: Karen Hanson is hosting Rick Green for a weekend event September 8 & 9, 2023. Tickets are $15 in advance/$25 at the door. Contact Karen Hanson at (701) 202-5338.

Click here to access the Archive.

August 10, 2023  – Coaches Corner Call (Scarlett Lani, plus Rick & Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner Call featuring testimonials from several who attended last week’s Inaugural Coach Congress. We’re also joined by some MilVets inspired to become coaches and help us pass the torch of freedom! The energy in this fellowship is contagious! Enjoy

Click here to access the Archive.

August 10, 2023 – Follow up Items, Links, & Resources:

*Look at our online quick start training guide! https://courses.patriotacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2022/12/COACH-QUICK-START-GUIDE-Dec-13-2022.pdf?_gl=1*uq7qnl*_ga*Njk0MjgyNTA4LjE2NzYxMzM0ODc.*_ga_1CPWK4QL4M*MTY5MTc5MzAxNi45NC4xLjE2OTE3OTMwMTYuMC4wLjA

*SAVE THE DATE FOR NEW COACH ONBOARDING! We will be having our New Coach Onboarding Saturday, August 26, 2023 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Central Time. Be watching your email for details!

*Next week’s call will focus on Constitution Day Curriculum! We will be discussing how to get this into your schools; public, private or home school and how to reach students with truth! https://coach.patriotacademy.com/additional-promotional-materials-constitution-coach-2/

July 20th, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani, Adam Bell, plus Rick & Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner Call featuring a number of announcements, but also a farewell from our Director of Coach Operations, Adam Bell. Challenges from multiple coaches about being ‘Bold as a Lion’, a special message from David Barton and close-out time with Rick plus live Q&A. This one got a little emotional, but the fellowship was amazing. Don’t Miss!

July 20th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

  • It’s not too late to join Rick & Scarlett in Michigan THIS SATURDAY, July 22!!  Links below:
  • Michigan Coach Conference with Rick Green – “Path to Constitutional Freedom” – July 22, 2023 – Info & Tickets! https://ticketstripe.com/LiveFree23vol3
  • Michigan Comedy & Constitution Show with Rick & Brad Stine – July 22, 2023 – Info & Tickets!  https://ticketstripe.com/LiveFree23vol3
  • Updated Constitution Day Presentation & Guide Resources on the Additional Materials page.
  • SPECIAL: Opportunity to support Adam Bell’s family business by visiting StruffleMe.com – Use EXCLUSIVE Coach Coupon Code for 10% off: CoachFam10 (No pressure, but “these are ridiculously yummy!” ~ Kolene)

July 13th, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani + Rick & Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner Call featuring a special announcement from Reagan and Faith Green, an incredible report from last Saturday’s Colorado Coach Conference complete with multiple first-hand testimonials, then a wrap up with Rick Green for sharing, updates and some live Q&A. Enjoy!

July 13th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

June 29th, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani + Rick & Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner Call featuring a massive group high-five regarding surpassing the 25k Coaches milestone, some heartfelt sharing from all members of your Coach Team, the announcement and link to submit your request for Rick to ‘Zoom in’ to your class. Be sure to stick til the end when Rick joins us for some of his own reflection on the Coach Program adventure to date then handles some live Q&A. This one’s special folks! Check below the video for links to key follow-up items, and let us know how your classes are going!

June 29th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

June 22nd, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani + Rick & Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner Call featuring testimonials galore from members of the Coach Ambassador team plus select coaches, rounded out with an extended drop-in by Rick with updates, announcements and live Q&A. Check below the video for links to key follow-up items, and let us know how your classes are going!

June 22nd Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

June 10th, 2023 – Special ‘New Coach Onboarding’ Quickstart Training Call

Topic: Taking new coaches – or those desiring a refresher – through the essentials of coaching. Scarlett Lani, Adam Bell, and other members of the Coach Team provide walk-throughs of learning your way around your Coach Dashboard, Promoting & Running High Impact Classes, and an A-Z walk-through of how to Create & Manage your classes using the Coach Dashboard system! If wondering how to get started, wonder no more, just watch this recording and you’ll have everything you need to confidently launch your first (or next) class!

June 8th, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani, Nathan Macias + Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s ‘All Coaches – Special Focus’ Coaches Corner featuring Patriot Academy’s Executive Director, Nathan Macias, talking all things ‘Coach Congress’ including a limited window where our ‘Early Bird Rates’ have been restored – ACT FAST!  Following the time with Nathan, hear the Pastor Awakening story & sermon – we have a new Tool for you (see below)!  You’ll also hear from Coach Craig Wills sharing some awesome updates from his coaching experiences plus additional news, notes, and live Q&A with the Coach Team! Check below the video for links to key follow-up items, including how/where to apply for the 2023 Coach Congress!

June 8th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

June 1st, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani + Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner with a number of updates including a sneak peek of the upcoming option to request Rick to drop in on YOUR class! Multiple in-person Coach events are now on the calendar amongst our growing Ambassador team, plus you’ll hear directly from Ambassador Toni Shuppe about efforts in her NE region. Live Q&A towards the end of this sub-60 minute call ~ Enjoy!

June 1st Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

May 25th, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani, Rick Green, Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner taking us on an encouraging photo tour of the movement “In God We Trust” motto on gov’t buildings and schools sweeping across the USA!  You’ll also hear some very uplifting Coach testimonies just before Rick joins towards the end from the TPUSA Pastors Summit in Nashville sharing super inspiring news, updates and live Q&A – Don’t miss!

May 25th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

May 18th, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani, Rick Green, Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner call with multiple announcements and updates from our growing team of Regional Ambassadors! Plus Rick joins towards the end for some key updates of his own including live Q&A – Don’t miss!

May 4th, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani, Rick Green, Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s Coaches Corner call with an update on the Lunch Break Version of Biblical Citizenship, Coach Congress testimonials, live on location with Rick and Coach RyanAnn DaCosta at the National Monument to the Forefathers and much more! Enjoy!

May 4th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

April 27th, 2023 – Coaches Corner (Scarlett Lani, Rick Green, Coach Team)

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s jam-packed Coaches Corner call with an awesome Recap of the historic Patriot Academy Campus Groundbreaking event and In-Person Coach Training with lots of pictures and first-hand reports, plus Adam shares about the new ‘Lunch Break Version’ of Biblical Citizenship and where to access that new resource, Angela provided some additional info & announcements, and Rick joined for his own takeaways from Groundbreaking and everything else going on. Don’t miss this recording! Enjoy!

April 27th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

April 13th, 2023 – Coaches Corner w/Scarlett Lani

Topic: Scarlett hosts today’s jam-packed Coaches Corner call with event info & announcements, new and updated resources, Coach testimonials, a Campus progress update and much more. Don’t miss checking out the follow-up links & resources below the video – Enjoy!

April 13th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

April 6th, 2023 – Coaches Corner w/Rick Green & Scarlett Lani

Topic: Rick Green hosts today’s Coaches Corner call with Coach Ambassador Extraordinaire Scarlett Lani! Walk-through of Brand New Coach Handbook, Current Culture Q&A with Rick and much more – Enjoy!

April 6th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

March 30th, 2023 – Coaches Corner w/Rick Green & Scarlett Lani

Topic: Rick Green hosts today’s Coaches Corner call! Shares new Campus images, live Q&A and much more – stick around for Angela to showcase a new ‘Action Steps/Action Items’ resource now in your dashboards, Early Bird deadline pending for Coach Congress – fun with the whole team – Enjoy!

March 29th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

March 23rd, 2023 – Coaches Corner w/Special Guest Kara Green

Topic: Don’t miss Kara’s first appearance on this week’s Coaches Corner call! We got a live/insider look and report of progress at the PA Campus, Q&A with Scarlett, Kara and your Coach Team – Follow-up items to be added shortly below the recording – Enjoy!

March 23rd Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

March 16th, 2023 – Special Focus Call w/Rick Green and Kirk Cameron!

Topic: Don’t miss Rick & Kirk joining for the first 15 minutes, then go into more detail on the new Coach Commission opportunity with Cole Cooper! Be sure to check out the follow-up links below the video for new or updated resources or one-click access to items mentioned on the call. Enjoy!

March 16th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

March 9th, 2023 – Special Focus Call w/Rick Green

Topic: Some announcements plus ‘A Limited Time Opportunity to Support Your Constitution Habit’ – Watch for all the goodies then check the follow-up links below the video.

March 9th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

February 9th, 2023 – Coaching 101: Testimonials & Special Guest, plus live Q&A and more!

Topics: Week five in current five-week series covering all the basics of being a Constitution Coach. This week’s call featured some incredible testimonials from Coach Steve Boyd and Coach Truman Mast, followed by a special visit by Patriot Academy’s own Aaron Marshall sharing about the classes already scheduled to take place on the new Patriot Academy Campus!!

February 9th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

February 2nd, 2023 – Coaching 101: Compelling Classes – Pt 2, plus a Special Guest, live Q&A and more!

Topics: Week four in current five-week series covering all the basics of being a Constitution Coach. This week’s call featured Part 2 of Scarlett’s Tips for Class Engagement and a Special Visit plus Q&A with Rick Green addressing frequent questions – Don’t miss this call!!

February 2nd Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

January 26, 2023 – Coaching 101: Compelling Classes – Pt 1, plus a Special Guest and Launch Announcement about 2023 Coach Congress!

Topics: Week three in current five-week series covering all the basics of being a Constitution Coach. This week’s call featured Part 1 of Scarlett’s Tips for Class Engagement and a Special Visit plus Q&A with Rick Green addressing questions about COS in detail! Don’t miss this call – Also officially opened up applications for the 2023 Constitution Coach Congress!

January 26th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

January 19, 2023 – Coaching 101: Creating & Managing Classes Walk-Through, plus a Special Guest and Special Announcement about 2023 Coach Congress!

Topics: Week two in new five-week series covering all the basics of being a Constitution Coach. Take a detailed walk-through of the Create & Manage Classes System, then hear from both Adam then our surprise guest, Rick Green, about the 2023 Constitution Coach Congress Event!

January 19th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

January 12, 2023 – Coaching 101: Dashboard, Quickstart Guide and More!

Topics: Week one in new five-week series covering all the basics of being a Constitution Coach. Take a quick tour of the new Quick Start Guide, then dive in to explore your Coach Dashboard and finish with Q&A with your Coach Support Team of Adam, Scarlett and Angela – Enjoy!

January 12th Follow-Ups, Links & Resources:

September 30, 2022 – Coaching 101: Con Def Experience w/Special Guests! 

Topics: Week four in five-week series covering the basics of being a Constitution Coach. This week covered one of the ‘Bells & Whistles’ of coaching with Patriot Academy – learning about and getting a ‘live look’ at the available Constitutional Defense training and opportunities to come! Rick Green joins as a special guest for some live Q&A – enjoy!

September 2, 2022 – Special Presentation on the Brand New Constitution Day Presentation and Packet of Resources! View a walk-through class demonstration and sneak peek of materials launching this weekend!

August 12, 2022 – Bells & Whistles! Special Presentation on the Biblical Basis for Armed Self-Defense, Preview of Pending Constitution Day Resource, Recap of Coach Conference, New Tools & Resources, plus Q&A with your Coach Team!