3. Zoom Online Hosting

Using Zoom as a Coach: Start-to-Finish

(by Constitution Coach: Giulia Giampa)


Many of our Coaches have friends across the nation they would like to invite to a class or local friends who, due to current conditions, aren’t comfortable or able to attend classes in-person. Of the current options, for hosting classes online, Zoom continues to be our recommended platform.

Please view the tutorial video above for a start-to-finish walkthrough of what it looks like to create a class, setup and input your Zoom link, start your Zoom class, share your screen with audio & video optimized, stop your screen share, and how to end your Zoom meeting!

Quick note on ‘hybrid’ classes: Some coaches offer ‘hybrid’ classes with a mix of people attending in-person while others join via Zoom at the same time. While this option does involve the need for a bit more technical savvy, it is doable, especially with a little practice… though you’ll definitely want to practice! Speaking of…

Important: We highly recommend connecting with a friend or fellow coach to do a ‘dry run’ test of your set-up prior to your first class. This will help you to be more comfortable and confident and ensure your system/settings are correct for sharing your audio and video.

Quick Start Guide to Hosting a Class on Zoom by Coach RaShell Southerland

Tutorial – Adjusting Video Resolution on Streaming Class Videos


If already a seasoned pro on Zoom, there is nothing particularly unusual with how we utilize the platform, but for those who are unfamiliar and/or if some additional refreshers would be helpful, you can check out more Zoom tutorials available by clicking here.

The segments you will want to be particularly familiar with are:

Note: There are many other Zoom tutorials available, but these are the ones you’ll need to be the most familiar with to effectively use Zoom with our system.

If you need some extra help using Zoom, please send an email to: [email protected] or look for an upcoming Coach Training Call focused on this topic (Schedule/Announcements for upcoming Training opportunities included in weekly Coach emails).


How to Use OBS.Ninja to Stream Videos: Free Alternative to Zoom

(by Constitution Coach: Cathleen Griffeth)